Publications by James Cavallaro
A New Path Forward? How Attention to Economic, Social, Cultural, and Environmental Rights Could Increase U.S. Indigenous and African-American Civil Society Engagement with the Inter-American Human Rights System
with Silvia Serrano Guzmán and Jessica Tueller, UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs,, December 2024.
La CIDH ante el caso Ayotzinapa: Notas sobre mi experiencia como Relator
James Cavallaro, IBERO, August 13, 2024.
More than Lack of Capacity: Active Impunity in Mexico
with Alejandro Anaya-Muñoz, Patricia Cruz-Marín, Journal of Human Rights Practice,, September 6, 2023.
Implementation of International Humanitarian Law through the Jurisprudence and Practice of the Inter-American treaty bodies (Book Chapter)
with Claret Vargas, in The Role of Human Rights Mechanisms in Implementing International Humanitarian Law (Emilie Max, Ed., Geneva) (forthcoming, 2024).
A New Path Forward? How Attention to Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights Could Increase U.S. Indigenous and African-American Civil Society Engagement with the Inter-American Human Rights System
with Silvia Serrano, Jessica Tueller, UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs, 2024.
Another Brick in the Wall? The ICC at Twenty-Five and the Unjust World Order
with Jânia Saldanha, Lucas Oliveira, Texas International Law Journal (forthcoming, 2024).
The ICC’s Best Bet: Look to Regional Systems
James Cavallaro and Jamie O’Connell, The ICC Forum, 2022. Blog Post.
Towards a Governance Model of Ungovernable Prisons: How Recognition of Inmate Organizations, Dialogue, and Mutual Respect Can Transform Violent Prisons in Latin America
James Cavallaro, José Luis Pérez Guadalupe, and Lucia Nuñovero, Catholic University Law Review, 70(3): 367-420. 2021. Article.
When Prosecution is Not Enough: How the International Criminal Court Can Prevent Atrocity and Advance Accountability by Emulating Regional Human Rights Institutions
James Cavallaro and Jamie O'Connell, The Yale Journal of International Law, 45(1): 1-66. 2020. Article.
Reducing Bias in Human Rights Fact-Finding: The Potential of the Clinical Simulation Model to Overcome Ethical, Practical, and Cultural Tensions in “Foreign” Contexts
James Cavallaro and Meghna Sridhar, Human Rights Quarterly, 42(2): 488-512. May 2020. Article.
Doctrine, Practice, and Advocacy in the Inter-American Human Rights System
James Cavallaro, Claret Vargas, Clara Sandoval, & Bernard Duhaime with Caroline Bettinger-Lopez, Stephanie Erin Brewer, Diana Guzmán, & Cecilia Naddeo, 2019, Oxford University Press, Book, Whole.
Letter to U.S. Secretary of State: Urging Continued U.S. Government Funding of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights [IACHR]
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (Commissioners, including James Cavallaro), February 13, 2019, Letter.
The “Negative Cosmopolitism” of Fear and Surveillance: the two sides of the use of the electronic monitoring mechanisms in the field of the criminal procedure in Brazil
Jânia Saldanha & James Cavallaro , September 1, 2018, Revista Brasileira de Ciências Criminais: RBCCrim, Journal Article.
The CIA has a long history of torture. Gina Haspel will be perfect for the job.
James Cavallaro, May 3, 2018, The Guardian, Op-Ed or Opinion Piece.
Brief of Amici Curiae, Case of the San Rafael Mine
James Cavallaro & James Anaya, March 28, 2018, Brief.
Report on Measures Aimed at Reducing the Use of Pretrial Detention in the Americas
James Cavallaro et al, July 3, 2017, Report.
Trump’s Travel Ban Violates International Treaties: Don’t Lose Sight of That Little-Discussed Problem with the Executive Order
James Cavallaro & Rebecca Mears, March 15, 2017, New York Daily News, Op-Ed or Opinion Piece.
Silenced Zones: Highly Dangerous Areas for the Exercise of Freedom of Expression
Edison Lanza, Francisco José Eguiguren Praeli, Margarette May Macaulay, Esmeralda Arosemena de Troitiño, José de Jesús Orozco Henríquez, Paulo Vannuchi, James Cavallaro, Paulo Abrão & Elizabeth Abi-Mershed, March 15, 2017, Report.
Standards for a Free, Open, and Inclusive Internet
James Cavallaro et al, March 15, 2017, Report.
Communiqué to the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Under Article 15 of the Rome Statute: The Situation in Nauru and Manus Island: Liability for Crimes Against Humanity
James Cavallaro, Diala Shamas, Beth Van Schaack, et al, February 14, 2017, Communiqué.
Letter to the Chief Executive Officers and Legal Counsel of European Air Carriers Urging Airlines to Ensure Rights of Travelers
James Cavallaro, Diala Shamas, et al, February 3, 2017, International Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Clinic, Letter.
Advancing Security and Human Rights by the Controlled Organisation of Inmates
James Cavallaro, Mirte Postema & Ruhan Nagra, January 30, 2017, [UK] Prison Service Journal, Journal Article.
Al borde del abismo / On the Edge of the Abyss
James Cavallaro, May 23, 2016, Op-Ed or Opinion Piece.
Specialized Supervisory Bodies for the Right to Access Public Information: Compilation of Thematic Reports Included in the 2013 and 2014 Annual Reports of the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (Commissioners, including James Cavallaro), January 1, 2016, Report.
Human Rights of Migrants, Refugees, Stateless Persons, Victims of Human Trafficking and Internally Displaced Persons: Norms and Standards of the Inter-American Human Rights System
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (Commissioners, including James Cavallaro), December 31, 2015, Report.
Indigenous Peoples, Afro-Descendant Communities, and Natural Resources: Human Rights Protection in the Context of Extraction, Exploitation, and Development Activities
James Cavallaro et al, December 31, 2015, Report.
Violence against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Persons in the Americas
Rose-Marie Belle Antoine, James Cavallaro, José de Jesús Orozco Henríquez, Felipe González, Rosa María Ortiz, Tracy Robinson, Paulo Vannuchi, Emilio Álvarez-Icaza L. & Elizabeth Abi-Mershed, November 12, 2015, Report.
Violence, Children, and Organized Crime
James Cavallaro et al, November 11, 2015, Report.
What Law and Ethics Demand in Refugee Crisis
James Cavallaro & Mirte Postema, September 28, 2015, Daily Journal, Op-Ed or Opinion Piece.
The Refugee Crisis: We Must Continue to Demand an Ethical Response
James Cavallaro & Mirte Postema, September 10, 2015, Stanford Lawyer, Op-Ed or Opinion Piece.
Refugee Crisis in Syria. Refugee Crisis Worldwide
James Cavallaro, September 4, 2015, Stanford Lawyer, Op-Ed or Opinion Piece.
Access to Information, Violence Against Women, and the Administration of Justice in the Americas
James Cavallaro et al, March 27, 2015, Report.
Book Review: Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos
James Cavallaro & Claret Vargas, December 1, 2014, Revista Española de Derecho Internacional REDI, Book Review.
Apresentação (Preface)
James Cavallaro, September 30, 2014, Clínica de Direitos Humanos: Uma Proposta Metodológica Para a Educação Jurídica, Book, Section.
Considerations Related to the Universal Ratification of the American Convention and other Inter-American Human Rights Treaties
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (Commissioners, including James Cavallaro), August 14, 2014, Report.
The Right to Truth in the Americas
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (Commissioners, including James Cavallaro), August 13, 2014, Report.
Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Defendants’ Joint Motion to Dismiss Second Amended Complaint
Ira J. Kurzban, James Cavallaro & Claret Vargas, December 18, 2013, Brief.
La crisis en Panamá continúa: ¿Hacia un sistema penitenciario que respete los derechos humanos?
María Luisa Romero, James Cavallaro, Clara Long, and Claret Vargas, October 28, 2013, Stanford Law School International Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Center, October 2013., Book, Whole.
No Nos Toman en Cuenta: Pueblos Indígenas y Consulta Previa en Las Pisciculturas de la Araucanía
James Cavallaro, Cristían Sanhueza, Daniel SaverJorge Contesse & César Rodriguez Garavito, September 9, 2013, Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, Book, Whole.
Second Amended Complaint, Mamami et. al. v. Sánchez de Lozada, No. 08-21063-CV-COHN (S.D. Fla., June 24, 2013)
James Cavallaro, Clara Long, Claret Vargas, et al, June 24, 2013, Brief.
Construir Castillos Caros No Es La Respuesta
James Cavallaro, María L. Romero & Clara Long, June 14, 2013, La Prensa, Op-Ed or Opinion Piece.
Drones: Killing Enemies, and Creating Them
James Cavallaro, February 12, 2013, Los Angeles Times, Op-Ed or Opinion Piece.
The Paradox of Accountability in Brazil
James Cavallaro & Fernando Delgado, November 1, 2012, After Oppression. Transitional Justice in Eastern Europe and Latin America, UN University Press, Book, Section.
What the U.S. Won’t Discuss
James Cavallaro & Sarah Knuckey, September 26, 2012, The New York Times Room For Debate, Op-Ed or Opinion Piece.
Living Under Drones: Death, Injury and Trauma to Civilians from US Drone Practices in Pakistan
James Cavallaro, Stephan Sonnenberg & Sarah Knuckey, September 25, 2012, International Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Clinic, Stanford Law School; NYU School of Law, Global Justice Clinic, Book, Whole.
Name, Shame, and then Build Consensus? Bringing Conflict Resolution Skills to Human Rights
Stephan Sonnenberg & James Cavallaro, September 3, 2012, 39 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 257, Journal Article.
US Exceptionalism, Human Rights and Civil Society
James Cavallaro, December 30, 2011, Austrian Review of International and European Law, Journal Article.
¿Cómo establecer una Clínica de Derechos Humanos? Lecciones de los Prejuicios y Errores Colectivos en las Américas
James Cavallaro & Fernando E. García, November 4, 2011, Justicia Constitucional, Journal Article.
Desarrollo al estilo AES: ¿Ejemplo para toda Latinoamérica?
James Cavallaro, April 15, 2011, La Prensa, Op-Ed or Opinion Piece.
Op-Ed on Prisons in Panama: Tragedy at Tocumen, A Call for Real Reform
James Cavallaro & María L. Romero, February 11, 2011, La Prensa, Op-Ed or Opinion Piece.
No Place to Hide: Gang, State, and Clandestine Violence in El Salvador
Laura Gabriela Pedraza-Fariña, Spring Miller & James Cavallaro, May 31, 2010, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2010, Book, Whole.
We Need a Truth Commission to Uncover Bush-Era Wrongdoing
James Cavallaro, February 20, 2009, Christian Science Monitor, Op-Ed or Opinion Piece.
Never Again?: The Legacy of the Argentine and Chilean Dictatorships for the Global Human Rights Regime
James Cavallaro & Stephanie E. Brewer, September 30, 2008, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Book Review.
Reevaluating Regional Human Rights Litigation in the Twenty-First Century: The Case of the Inter-American Court
James Cavallaro & Stephanie E. Brewer, July 1, 2008, American Journal of International Law, Journal Article.
Security in Paraguay: Analysis and Responses in Comparative Perspective
James Cavallaro, Jacob Kopas, Yukyan Lam, Timothy Mayhle & Soledad Villagra de Biedermann, June 30, 2008, Harvard University Press, Book, Whole.
La Seguridad en el Paraguay: Analisis y Respuestas en Perspectivas Comparadas
James Cavallaro, Jacob Kopas, Yukyan Lam, Timothy Mayhle & Soledad Villagra de Biedermann, June 30, 2008, Human Rights Clinic, Harvard University/Universidad Columbia del Paraguay, Book, Whole.
The Virtue of Following: The Role of Inter-American Litigation in Campaigns for Social Justice
James Cavallaro & Stephanie E. Brewer, June 1, 2008, SUR International Journal on Human Rights, Journal Article.
Looking Backward to Address the Future?: Transitional Justice, Rising Crime and Nation-Building
James Cavallaro, June 1, 2008, Maine Law Review, Journal Article.
Privados de Libertad sin Derechos
James Cavallaro & María L. Romero, March 14, 2008, La Prensa, Op-Ed or Opinion Piece.
Del Portón Para Acá Se Acaban los Derechos Humanos: Injusticia y Desigualdad en las Cárceles Panameñas
Tim Mayhle, María Luisa Romero & James Cavallaro, January 1, 2008, International Human Rights Clinic, Harvard Law School, Working Paper.
The Lost Agenda: Economic Crisis and Truth Commissions in Latin America and Beyond
James Cavallaro & Sebastian Albuja, January 1, 2008, Transitional Justice From Below: Grassroots Activism and the Struggle for Change, Book, Section.
UCLA-Harvard Interdisciplinary Roundtable Conference: Racial Ethnic and Caste Discrimination and Remedial Measures in Global Perspective
James Cavallaro, February 2, 2007, Conference.
No Place to Hide: Gang, State, and Clandestine Violence in El Salvador
James Cavallaro & Spring Miller, February 1, 2007, International Human Rights Clinic, Harvard Law School, Working Paper.
Mobilizing Against the Military Commissions Act of 2006
Stephanie Brewer, James Cavallaro, Fernando Delgado, Yukyan Lam, Martha Minow & Deborah Popowski, November 6, 2006, Harvard Law & Policy Review, Journal Article.
Rejoinder: Justice Before Justiciability: Inter-American Litigation and Social Change
James Cavallaro & Emily J. Schaffer, January 1, 2006, New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, Journal Article.
Breach of Faith: Persecution of the Ahmadiyya Community in Bangladesh
Ali Dayan Hasan, Brad Adams & James Cavallaro, June 16, 2005, Human Rights Watch Short Report, Working Paper.
Conselho de Segurança a Qualquer Custo?
Carlos Eduardo Gaio & James Cavallaro, May 29, 2005, Folha de São Paulo, Op-Ed or Opinion Piece.
The Way of the Commandos
James Cavallaro, May 15, 2005, The New York Times, Op-Ed or Opinion Piece.
Keeping the Peace in Haiti?: An Assessment of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti Using Compliance with its Prescribed Mandate as a Barometer for Success
James Cavallaro, March 1, 2005, Harvard Law Student Advocates for Human Rights, Centro de Justiça Global, Report.
Public Enemy Number Two?: Rising Criminality and Challenges to Human Rights Defense in Transitional Societies
James Cavallaro & Mohammad-Mahmoud O. Mohamedou, January 1, 2005, Harvard Human Rights Journal, Journal Article.
Towards the Lowest Common Denominator: Canada Guts Post-9/11 Refugee Protection
Deborah Anker, James Cavallaro & Avantika Shastri, September 1, 2004, Bender's Immigration Bulletin, Journal Article.
Letter Sent to the United States Congress Regarding Recent Human Rights Issues in Iraq
James Cavallaro et al, June 16, 2004, Letter.
Less as More: Rethinking Supranational Litigation of Economic and Social Rights in the Americas
James Cavallaro & Emily J. Schaffer, January 1, 2004, Hastings Law Journal, Journal Article.
Violence Workers: Police Torturers and Murderers Reconstruct Brazilian Atrocities
James Cavallaro, September 1, 2003, British Journal of Criminology, Book Review.
Crime, Public Order and Human Rights
James Cavallaro, January 10, 2003, International Council on Human Rights Policy, Book, Whole.
Toward Fair Play: A Decade of Transformation and Resistance in International Human Rights Advocacy in Brazil
James Cavallaro, September 1, 2002, Chicago Journal of International Law, Journal Article.
The Human Rights Crisis in Espírito Santo: threats and violence against human rights defenders
James Cavallaro, Sandra Carvalho, Sven Hilbig & Jeffrey Zinsmeister, July 1, 2002, Fórum Reage Espírito Santo and Justiça Global, International Federation for Human Rights, Working Paper.
Front Line Brazil: Murders, Death Threats and Other Intimidation of Human Rights Defenders, 1997-2001
James Cavallaro, January 12, 2002, Global Justice Center, Book, Whole.
Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions: An Approximation of the Situation in Brazil
Flávia Piovesan, James Cavallaro, Jayme Benvenuto Lima, José Fernanco da Silva, Luciano Oliveira & Valdênia Brito, January 1, 2001, Gajop, Book, Whole.
A Emergente Jurisprudencia em Direitos Economicos, Sociais e Culturais no Sistema Interamericano (Emerging Jurisprudence in Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Inter-American System)
James Cavallaro & Thamy Pogrebinschi, January 1, 2001, Direitos Humanos, Globalização Econômica e Integração Regional, Max Limonad, Book, Section.
Discursos Para Insegurança Pública
James Cavallaro, January 1, 2001, Operação Rio: O Mito das Classes Perigosas: um Estudo sobre a Violência Urbana, a Mídia Impressa e os Discursos de Segurança Pública, Niterói: Intertexto, Book, Section.
Tortura: Impunidade que Condena o País
Flávia Piovesan & James Cavallaro, May 20, 2000, Folha de São Paulo, Op-Ed or Opinion Piece.
A Situação Carcerária no Brasil e a Miséria Acadêmica (Prison Conditions and the Lack of Prisons Literature)
James Cavallaro & Salo de Carvalho, January 1, 2000, A Sociedade, a Violência e o Direito Penal, Livraria do Advogado Editora, Book, Section.
Disappeared and Politically Executed: Necessary Reparations
James Cavallaro, January 1, 2000, Mortos e Desaparecidos Políticos: Reparação ou Impunidade?, University of São Paulo Press, Book, Section.
Behind Bars in Brazil
Joanne Mariner & James Cavallaro, January 1, 1998, Human Rights Watch, Book, Whole.
Police Brutality in Urban Brazil
James Cavallaro, January 1, 1997, Human Rights Watch, Book, Whole.
Apresentação (Preface)
James Cavallaro, Juan E. Méndez & José M. Vivanco, January 1, 1996, Democracia em Pedaços: Direitos Humanos no Brasil, Companhia das Letras, Book, Section.
Fighting Violence with Violence: Human Rights Abuse and Criminality in Rio de Janeiro
James Cavallaro & Anna C. Monteiro, January 1, 1996, Human Rights Watch Short Report, Working Paper.
Forced Labor Revisited: On-Site Investigations Reveal the Practice Continues in Brazil
James Cavallaro, November 1, 1993, Human Rights Watch Short Report, Working Paper.
Frontier Injustice: Human Rights Abuses Along the U.S. Border with Mexico Persist Amid Climate of Impunity
James Cavallaro & Allyson Collins, May 13, 1993, Human Rights Watch Short Report, Working Paper.
The Demise of the Political Necessity Defense: Indirect Civil Disobedience and United States v. Schoon
James Cavallaro, January 1, 1993, California Law Review, Journal Article